Tue 22 Oct 2024
How Managed Service Providers (MSPs) Can Reduce IT Overhead: Everything You Need To Know

How Managed Service Providers (MSPs) Can Reduce IT Overhead: Everything You Need To Know


Let’s be honest. Running a merchantry is a unvarying juggling act. On any given day, you vellicate when and along between numerous tasks to alimony everything afloat.

Information technology (IT) demands are at an all-time upper in an increasingly digital world. And with the stereotype data violate forfeit hitting $4.35 million in 2022, there’s no room to skimp on resources.

Luckily, there are a few ways to reduce the headache of managing your IT infrastructure without breaking the wall and sacrificing quality or efficiency.

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5 Simple Ways Managed Service Providers Can Reduce IT Overhead in 2022

That’s where subtracting a managed service provider (MSP) to your company’s ecosystem comes into play. And you aren’t alone. By the end of 2023, spending on IT outsourcing will exceed $1.3 trillion as companies increase their search for IT support and cybersecurity experts.

In this article, we’ll discuss managed services and how they can help modernize efficiency in your merchantry technology operations and reduce IT overhead.

Let’s swoop in.

What is a Managed Service Provider (MSP)?

A managed service provider (MSP) is a third-party visitor that offers IT support to businesses and other organizations (read: outsourcing).

The MSP takes superintendency of day-to-day IT tasks, such as installing and maintaining hardware, software updates, and security patches.

According to the Deloitte Global Outsourcing Survey, 70% of companies stipulate that the number one reason for outsourcing is forfeit reduction, and for a good reason.

Hiring IT teams in-house can be a plush affair. There are many expenses outside a standard salary – including signing bonuses, recruiter fees, benefits, and taxes. Therefore, right off the bat, you can see the significant savings of outsourcing your IT services to a managed services provider.

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(Image by Freepik)

A managed service provider offers a range of variegated services, including:

  • Server maintenance and support
  • Network security monitoring, including firewalls and intrusion detection systems (IDSs)
  • Backup and disaster recovery solutions
  • Mobile device management
  • Cybersecurity
  • Auditing and compliance
  • Data wringer and reporting
  • Cloud computing management

MSPs have quickly wilt the IT department of nomination for many companies. Benefits of managed services include:

  • Avoiding the upper financing associated with hiring and training a full-time internal team.
  • Prevent data breaches and downtime.
  • Put your resources towards your cadre business.
  • Access wide technology.
  • Streamline processes and operations wideness the unshortened organisation

Now that we have the nuts out of the way, let’s swoop into how managed services reduce IT overhead.

5 Simple Ways Managed Service Providers (MSPs) Can Reduce IT Overhead in 2022

1. Stave plush downtime

Every reviviscence statistic on the internet tells one story: stave it at all costs.

Still not convinced? The forfeit of reviviscence is staggering, with increasingly than 90% of enterprises reporting reviviscence financing exceeding increasingly than USD 300,000 per hour. Ouch.

But the effects go vastitude lost revenue while your servers are offline. Your productivity is hindered, and you risk reputation damage. The latter can take years to build when consumer trust.

Thankfully, managed IT services can help reduce risk, downtime, and costs. The most obvious way that managed services can reduce risk is by maintaining the stability of your network or using a colocation data center to help with disaster recovery.

A stable network is increasingly likely to function correctly and quickly respond to any issues. No increasingly long hours spent troubleshooting problems, and most MSPs offer 24/7 monitoring.

The forfeit of reviviscence is high, mainly when it results from a security violate or other unanticipated problem that requires firsthand sustentation and brings everything else lanugo in the office.

Plus, there’s the expense of lost business. At the same time, customers can’t wangle hair-trigger systems like email or online ordering processes due to a server failure or poor connection speeds — not something anyone wants to experience.

2. Predictable budgeting

Managed service providers indulge you to predict exactly how much your technology financing will increase each year, so there are no surprises when it comes time to renew or negotiate new contracts.

MSPs offer a wide range of pricing models, so you can find the one that works weightier for your business.


One option is per-device pricing, which ways that the price you pay depends on the number of devices you have. For example, this would be an spanking-new option if you have a small office with ten employees and 20 devices.


Another worldwide tideway is per-user pricing. With this model, you pay based on how many users wangle the network and what kind of wangle they require.

This pricing plan may be increasingly cost-effective for large businesses, with many employees accessing various daily resources. On average, an MSP charges USD 125–150 per user.


All-inclusive pricing is the “all you can eat” unappetizing rate for all of the services — from maintenance to network security — so there are no subconscious fees or unexpected charges at any time during your contract term (which usually lasts one to three years).

Tiered pricing offers a single rate but multiple tiers based on how much service is needed. For example, each tier provides an increased level of support and spare services such as a virtual defended server (VDS) or enhanced monitoring tools. Companies like VPS.BG plane indulge you to configure spare features such as tenancy panel software and will-less backups for your VDS services equal to your needs.

Using a MSP helps you track financing and reduce IT overhead if you’re nearing your IT upkeep limit.

3. Expertise in a wholesale range of technology

Your technology needs will evolve as your visitor grows. And that’s why a managed service provider is a unconfined option to reduce IT overhead.

Think of an MSP as a one-stop shop. They can handle all your technology needs in one place, so you don’t need to rent individual roles or spend time figuring out how to manage everything yourself.

With an MSP, you’ll have wangle to experts in a wide range of the most wide technologies — everything from servers and data centers to cybersecurity solutions, software licensing, test data generators, and support services.

No increasingly worrying well-nigh whether you have the latest software installed or the proper headcount to alimony up with the IT needs of your growing company, your technology is in good hands with an MSP.

4. Modernize security and compliance

More than 50% of all cyberattacks target SMBs. And the stereotype forfeit of a data violate can range from $120,000 to $1.24 million for small businesses. That’s no waif in the bucket.

Security is among the most important factors when choosing the towardly IT resources for your company. A simple data violate can put you out of business.

An MSP helps protect your merchantry from malware, ransomware, and other types of malicious software that could destroy or compromise your visitor or vendee data.

Post-pandemic, there’s increasingly demand for hybrid work arrangements. Make sure your visitor is secure on all devices, expressly if you prefer a bring-your-own-device (BYOD) policy. To help protect your company, a mobile device management (MDM) software is an spanking-new option.

Device security
(Image by DCStudio on Freepik)

An MDM like Scalefusion gives your IT teams the visibility and tenancy they need to secure, manage, and track your corporate-owned or employee-owned devices that wangle corporate data. And with prices as low as $2 per device/per month, it is a no-brainer to stop a million-dollar threat. To top it all off, MDM makes it easy to modernize device compliance and automate policy enforcement. Gone are the days of the wrong employees accessing vendee information or leaving your company with proprietary information still on their phones or laptops.

5. Free up time for strategic initiatives and innovation

And finally, one of the weightier things well-nigh managed services is that it frees up time for your team to focus less time worrying well-nigh IT solutions and instead focus on strategic growth initiatives and innovation.

For example, eCommerce companies like American Trucks rely on IT services to alimony their merchantry alive. The website where customers can buy tires and rims needs to operate flawlessly. Without a working website, they have no way to sell to customers. And without sales, their merchantry goes bust.

To top it off, they must moreover have a solid back-end connection to their warehouses and make sure vendee data is completely secure. Using an MSP can help lighten the load for internal IT teams, subtract the demand for infrastructure, and modernize security features.

By outsourcing to an MSP, the American Trucks team has increasingly time to focus on growing the visitor instead of wasting the day resolving operational headaches to alimony the merchantry afloat.

Now they can spend time marketing their company, like creating educational videos well-nigh the proper tires for Ford F150s, engaging with users on social media, and gathering feedback for a new product launch.

Wrapping up

Managed service providers (MSPs) are an constructive way to reduce IT overhead and focus on your cadre business.

They’re flexible unbearable to work with any budget, so there’s no need to wait and see if it works out — you can start today without wearing a deep slum in your pockets.

Improving security and compliance by reducing risk exposure is a hair-trigger way to save money today. You can sleep easy knowing there’s no endangerment of a data violate or ransomware wade with 24/7 monitoring.

Outsourcing these responsibilities lets staff spend time on projects that help the company, like increasing sales or subtracting new products.

Don’t wait until it’s too late. Take tenancy of your IT upkeep by investing in a managed service provider. The benefits surely outweigh the costs, and your marrow line will thank you.

The post How Managed Service Providers (MSPs) Can Reduce IT Overhead: Everything You Need To Know first appeared on Scalefusion Blog.
