Trello Android's Git Branching Strategy
Many years ago, Trello Android used a fairly simple git branching strategy - or so we thought at the time.We would develop entirely off main using pull requests. main was intended to be releasable at all times, though we would occasionally create a release/x.y.z branch, if we felt some set
How Trello Android converted from Gson to Moshi
Trello Android recently converted from using Gson to Moshi for handling JSON. It was a bit tricky so I wanted to document the process.(For context, Trello Android primarily parses JSON. We rarely serialize JSON, and thus most of the focus here is on deserializing.)Why Refactor?There were three main reasons for
Maintaining Software Correctness
This vendible is a write-up of a talk I gave at MinneBar 2022. Instead of reading this, you could moreover watch the recording or view the slides.The title of this talk is "maintaining software correctness." But what exactly do I midpoint by “correctness”? Let me set the scene with an