Tue 22 Oct 2024
La Brea Fall Finale Review  1988 (207)
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La Brea Fall Finale Review 1988 (207)


And that’s a wrap on the first half of season 2. 

But did La Brea transport you to a satisfactory point in the story? Personally, I can’t say that it did. 

I was feeling pretty indifferent well-nigh the finale up until the final few seconds. I know that the series has to end an episode, expressly one that isn’t going to be on then until January 31, with a cliffhanger, but it made me so mad. Without everything they’ve been through wideness all the variegated timelines, did Gavin not learn anything well-nigh stuff honest and forthcoming with his family, expressly as they pertain to his visions?

The memory basically indicated that going when to 10K B.C. was going to be dangerous, if not deadly, for Eve. I know Gavin would never willingly put Eve or his family in danger, but withholding what he was deliberately omitting an important fact from the vision so that his family would jump into the sinkhole and go when in time once then slantingly him.

Why wouldn’t he tell his family to stay in 1988 where they would at least have a greater endangerment of survival with this newfound knowledge? And if there is a way to get back, he would find it and return to them?

I know the family just got when together and their whole motto is that they would never separate again, but it just seemed wasteful considering the dangerous reality of the mission at hand.  

Caroline informed Gavin, who initially well-set to stay overdue in 1988 and build a life with his family, that, whispered from his father, he was the only one who could get through security so that they could upload the virus and shut everything down. And that ways that he would wilt trapped in 10K B.C…. and that’s considering he would plane manage to infiltrate the towers then and succeed what needed to be done. Surely, his father is going to put up a fight considering the lengths he went through to send teachers to 1988 to stop Caroline in the first place. 

It was a massive leap into the unknown for most of them, whispered from Gavin, who saw that there’s possibly a dire outcome for the very person he loves the most. 

That stuff said, James designed this whole glass towers in the past, so my guess is he has a fail-safe that would bring him and his loved ones to his timeline. I’m not convinced that there’s no way when home just yet, so maybe stuff in 10K B.C. where all the masterminds are is their weightier bet to getting when to 2022.

Sam and Riley both decided to jump into the sinkhole and when to 10K B.C. in hopes of finding a way when to the present and their family. I think Riley’s visualization was largely influenced by the fact that Josh and his family were moreover going when to the prehistoric month as she likely wants to explore their connection further. 

The only person that didn’t jump into the sinkhole was our boy, Levi. He lost the wrestle for Eve’s heart, and while it was the only outcome that made sense for the storyline, man, I was heartbroken. I really wished that Eve would follow her heart because, at every turn, it was very unmistakably pulling her toward Levi. However, when it became that Gavin needed to go to 10K B.C. and her kids were in try-on that they needed to support their father in the way they didn’t when they thought he was just a drunk, she didn’t have much of a nomination in the matter if she didn’t want to lose them all. Choosing Levi meant that she would be turning her when on her family and potentially never seeing them again. And Eve could never survive that—she could never survive stuff without her kids.

As Ty once warned her, Eve had to make a choice, and she chose to stay true-blue to her promise to Gavin and the family. They were a unit that had to stick together. Levi was naturally heartbroken and disappointed, but he understood. He didn’t try to fight it or convince Eve considering he knew that there was no endangerment of winning this one when her mind was once made up. She would never be happy with him in this scenario. 

And while a beer on the waterfront in the ’80s sounds really unconfined without all that they’ve been through, it was moreover bittersweet. Levi is all vacated in this world–he has no one else here. At least in 10K B.C., he had a group of people who were in this situation with him, but he was completely vacated in 1988. Not to mention he could never reunite with these people or plane alimony in touch with them as they wouldn’t be in the same era as him. It wasn’t a goodbye for now, it was a permanent goodbye.  And that’s honestly increasingly terrifying than any Wooly Mammoth. 

While I definitely trust Caroline way increasingly than I trust James, I still can’t shake the feeling that she’s not telling Gavin everything. He seems to be on a need-to-know understructure for information, which simply isn’t platonic when his whole family is gambling their existence. When everyone has something to gain, it becomes harder to believe that they are telling the truth. 

La Brea Fall Finale Recap 1988 Season 2 Episode 7

LA BREA — “1988” Episode 207 — Pictured: (l-r) Jon Seda as Dr. Sam, Veronica St. Clair as Riley — (Photo by: Sara Enticknap)

Back in 10K B.C., things weren’t any increasingly promising. Scott tried to usurer a deal with the Exile leader in mart for the cure for Lucas, but Tamet played him like a fiddle. If Scott hadn’t meddled, Ty would’ve won the trial by gainsay using psychological warfare—he had an upper hand that truly messed with Tamet’s mind. Unfortunately, Scott tried to be helpful and resourceful for his friend (he wanted to be the hero he never was), and was forced to set Tamet free, which ways he will surely try to get revenge on Paraa and her people. And the one person he truly can’t stand is Ty considering he is now dating his wife, who Tamet still has feelings for. Man, this sure really loves its love triangles.

The silver lining is that Lucas survived to see flipside day, though it was looking pretty pessimistic there for a minute. Veronica was so scared that he was going to die that she took the plunge and kissed him, which moreover instilled some hope and fight for survival in him. However, Tamet told Scott that he left out a key ingredient in the cure that would ensure Lucas survives, and while I initially thought he was messing with Scott, the fact that Lucas still can’t finger his hand concerns me. I’ve grown a soft spot for Lucas, so I hope that they icon out what’s going on with him sooner than later. I don’t hate his relationship with Veronica, but I do hope that there’s increasingly to their connection than simply stuff in the same place at the same time and going though a shared experience. I do think they were both lost and flawed individuals who have the power to help each other wilt largest and live a increasingly fulfilled life.  

I wish the episode was a bit increasingly forthcoming with information. It was well-spoken that Caroline would sooner finish the virus and they would end up going when to 10K B.C. It wasn’t plane shocking when she suggested that Gavin had no other choice. All of the moves on the finale were predictable. That stuff said, they set us up for some unconfined premiere content. What happens when they all finally victorious to wherever the sinkhole leads? Will they get split up? Will they all survive? Since they only have well-nigh 24 hours to upload the virus surpassing the tidal wave swallows Los Angeles in 88, will they make it in time? Will they overly see Levi again? 

And how will they get the rest of the people that fell through the sinkhole into the prehistoric month when to the present-day without a working portal?

Other Thoughts

  • It was risky for Sam to steal his dad’s car knowing that he could hands run into himself in this timeline. Isn’t that the first rule of time traveling?
  • I finger like the first meeting between Caroline and her now sultana son (who she just saw as a kid) lacked so much emotion. I was hoping for so much increasingly without all the build up.
  • I really loved Veronica’s story well-nigh her lineage mom’s ritual of urgent yonder the parts of herself she didn’t like. It’s cathartic and definitely helped Lucas get rid of all the pain and regret he was harboring that made him finger like he didn’t deserve a second endangerment at life. The fact that so many people were risking it all and fighting for him was proof that he was reformed and definitely deserved it. 
  • What was up with Sam telling Riley that the Harris’ aren’t their family? These people are unfluctuating in a very unique way, why does he not want anything to do with them?
  • Are we well-nigh to see a 10K B.C. wedding? Ty proposed to Paraa and they are tying the knot! I love Ty’s storyline considering he proves that you can find eyeful in what some may consider the worst parts of your life.

What did you think of the finale? Share your thoughts in the comments below, and I’ll see you in 2023!

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